Kidrobot x NYCC Releases and Con Exclusives!
Mmmm…los gollettes. Celebrating Los Dias de los Muertos all year round, this Con edition, 6-inch tall vinyl Homero honors his Singing Sirloin brethren in a negro mariachi suit, complete with painted calavera mask, and removable sombrero.
Dance with the dead October 10th at NYCC on Preview Night, Day of the Dead Mariachi Homer retails for $49.99 US
Commemorating his victory in the World Warrior tournament, eternal wanderer Ryu is enshrined in this NYCC-exclusive 3-inch gold vinyl figure. Suffused with furinkazan, this idol to the power of shoryuken guarantees epic victory to the lucky few who can acquire it. Available exclusively at NYCC for $14.99
Kidrobot and Mishka have come together again! This time to keep your nugget warm and your style hot this season! Available in two colors, but you can only score the Magenta Keep Watch Mishka x Kidrobot Beanie at NYCC! Available on 10/10 for $35.00. Dont forget to cart the Mishka X Frank Kozik X Kidrobot Keep Watch Labbit around with you while you’re at it! (Word on the street is that we may have a few Con exclusives available at the booth!)
In addition to the new Con exclusives, we have also held back some favorites from SDCC!
There’s a hell for all things, men and labbits alike! In their underworld Keep Watch Labbits run perpetually from disembodied Hell Hands offering the most unholy petting. Thy horror Labbit!
Skinned labbit featuring sculpted brain and muscle tissue, gradient tendons, and GID never blinking eye. Special limited edition New York Comic Con 2013 and retails for $99.99.
Never run out of nerve.
This 8-inch vinyl hog is ready to fly. Stunt suit design is topped off with a newly sculpted head – including jet streaming ears – and a single engine jetpack accessory. Limited edition of 400 for $99.99 US
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