The TOY TWISTER MIXER UPPER is back and ready to challenge your eyes and toy knowledge! Enter to win a MUNNYWORLD prize pack, including a 7-inch MUNNY with a Mini MUNNY, RAFFY, TRICKY and ROOZ. There are 5 assorted toys in this puzzle ranging from rare releases to mini series. So please be specific when listing toy titles, colors, sizes and names of artists. Email with correct answers by noon tomorrow (Wednesday June 9, 12 pm EST) to be entered in the drawing to win.
Congratulations to Justin S. You won a MUNNYWORLD prize pack!
The correct answers are :
1. Midnight Magie, Kidrobot Black, 8-inch by Gary Baseman
2. Dirty Donny, Dunny Series 5, 3-inch by Dirty Donny
3. KidTOFU, SDCC 2007 Exclusive, 8-inch by Devilrobots x Kidrobot
4. Wood Labbit, SDCC 2009 Exclusive, 5-inch by Amanda Visell x Frank Kozik
5. Ace Kittyhawk, Ace and Ion set, 4-inch by Tara McPherson
The post TOY TWISTER MIXER UPPER – 6/8/10 appeared first on Kidrobot Blog.
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