April 15, 2011

#FollowFriday – 4/15/11

Follow these people on Twitter because it’s Friday and they’re awesome!

Name: The Art Hustle
Location: New York City
Web: ww.thearthustle.com
Bio: Artist Trading Cards

Name: Jared Cain
Location: Atlanta, GA
Web: www.flickr.com/photos/nikejerk
Bio: Graphic Designer, art and culture lover, toy enthusiast.

Name: Urban Outfitters
Location: Philadelphia
Web: www.urbanoutfitters.com
Bio: The official Urban Outfitters Twitter page

Name: SHO Bcn
Location: Gràcia, Barcelona
Web: shobcn.com
Bio: Travessera de Gràcia, 163 Gràcia, Barcelona

The post #FollowFriday – 4/15/11 appeared first on Kidrobot Blog.