April 20, 2010



Tuesday’s new contest, the TOY TWISTER MIXER UPPER is back and ready to challenge your eyes and toy knowledge! Enter to win Wilson, grumpster edition by Frank Kozik. There are 7 assorted toys in this puzzle ranging from exclusive releases to mini series. So please be specific when listing toy titles, colors, sizes and names of artists. Email wheelbarrow@kidrobot.com with correct answers by noon tomorrow (Wednesday April 21, 12 pm EST) to be entered in the drawing to win.

Prizes can only be sent to winners living in US or Canada, sorry.

Good luck!

Congratulations, Bo M. you won the drawing from all the correct entries in this crazy contest!

The correct answers are…

1. De La Soul 3-Pack, 3”, by De La Soul in collaboration with Myong Kurily and Kidrobot
2. Burnt BoOoya from the BoOoya Ghosts mini figures series, 2”, by MAD
3. 8-inch MOD Dunny (Red Edition), by Gary Baseman
4.“The Bird is the Word” Mao Bust (Green Flocked), 16”, by Frank Kozik
5. Kidrobot 08 – Tengu Blue, 7”, by Damon Soule
6. KRINK Mailbox, 7”, by KRINK and Kidrobot.
7. Assy McGee from the Adult Swim mini series, 2”, by Adult Swim

See you next week!

The post TOY TWISTER MIXER UPPER – 4/20/10 appeared first on Kidrobot Blog.