Kidrobot x Andy Warhol Vinyl Soup Can Mystery Series 2 Available Online Now

Here is another release blog on the new Kidrobot x Andy Warhol Vinyl Soup Can Mystery Series by our good friend Chris Holt aka The Toy Viking…
I’m not a soup guy. To me soup is reserved for hospital stays or as a bonus with your meal when you’re out at a restaurant. Now Kidrobot aims to change how I feel about this staple of so many dinner tables with series 2 of Andy Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Can Mystery Figures. Each one features a surprise art object made famous by Andy’s illustrious career. Some are made of vinyl and some are made of plush, but all are instantly recognizable from his large body of work.
Unlike the cans you buy at the grocery store, the contents of these are a surprise, but that adds to the fun of it. Could you imagine if real cans of soup were packaged this way? You were really excited for chicken noodle but you get home, crack it open, and clam chowder is staring back at you. That would be a total bummer.
This blind series is available now at
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